Description Ordering
S0082A 12V-24V DIN Rail Timer With Delay

12V-24V DIN Rail Timer With Delay

S0082A NEW

This compact 12-24VDC timer has a multitude of operating modes.
S0083 24V DC Latching Relay Module

24V DC Latching Relay Module


This latching relay box offers a compact solution to switching high current circuitry on and off using a low current momentary switch.
S0088 DIN Rail Event Counter

DIN Rail Event Counter


Allows you to count the number of instances of a pair of closing contacts. Event times and dates are recorded to the internal Micro SD card for easy review.
S0086 Temperature Controlled DIN Rail Switch

Temperature Controlled DIN Rail Switch


Designed in house by Altronics R&D, this compact unit has two inputs. Both can be arranged to be either a local sensor or a remote sensor.
S0080 50 Event 4 Output DIN Rail Timer

50 Event 4 Output DIN Rail Timer


A versatile timer with standard DIN rail mounting.

All prices include GST