Description Ordering
Q3003 Non Contact IP67 AC Test Probe & LED Torch

Non Contact IP67 AC Test Probe & LED Torch


A trade quality waterproof non contact detector designed for AC detection. It detects live AC voltages from 100V to 1000V (50-60Hz), plus a low voltage range for 12V to 100V AC. Easy operation allows detection of live wires without contact. Whenever AC is detected at a power point, sheathed or bare ended cable, the tester will light up red.
Q3001A 6-24V DC Automotive Voltage Tester Sheath Piercing Probe

6-24V DC Automotive Voltage Tester Sheath ...


This voltage continuity probe is a handy tool for troubleshooting wiring faults in vehicles and other looms.
Q3000A 6-24V DC Automotive Voltage Probe with Curly Cord

6-24V DC Automotive Voltage Probe with Cur...


This voltage test probe is a handy tool for troubleshooting wiring faults in any 6-24V DC vehicle.
Q3004 12V Vehicle Battery and Alternator Tester

12V Vehicle Battery and Alternator Tester


Provides a quick and easy way to test alternator/charging system function in 12V vehicles.

All prices include GST