Z6208A Funduino L293D Motor Shield For Arduino
Z6221 Analog-to-Digital ADS1115 16 Bit Converter Module
H8952 Argon ONE Case to suit Raspberry Pi 4
K5340 Guitar Preamp Kit
K6042 240V Mains Soft Starter Kit
Z6327 4 Channel 5V Relay Control Board Module/Shield
K9810 Choppy PWM Controller Kit
K9670A Mega Box Mark II for Arduino
Z6524A 128x128 LCD Display Module
Z6390 3.3V to 5V Logic Level Converter Board
Z6381 WiFi ESP8266-ESP-12F Development Board
K5136 12V 20 Watt Amplifier Module Kit
J0026 4.5V Low Torque F260 Hobby Motor
Z6322 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Breakout For Arduino
Z6333 U-Blox Neo-6M GPS Breakout Module With Antenna
J0054 Micro N20 Geared Motor 150:1 50-200RPM
Z6392 9g 180º 2 x 90º Plastic Servo for Arduino
K2204 30 In 1 Electronics Lab Kit
Z6529 2.2
K1141 Hydraulic Robotic Cyborg Hand Kit
Z6328 8 Channel 5V Relay Control Board Module/Shield
Z6522A FT232 USB To TTL Serial Lead
Z6324 MPU-6050 6 Axis Accelerometer Plus Gyro Breakout For Arduino
K5887 LED Christmas/Lighting Controller - Slave Kit
Z6330 Funduino 5V DC Stepper Motor And ULN2003 Control Board
Z6302K Raspberry Pi 5 Single Board Computer 8GB
X1010A Quartz Clock Movement Kit For 2-6mm Panel
Z6361 nRF24L01+ Wireless 2.4GHz Transceiver Module
H8954 Red Armour Case To Suit Raspberry Pi 4
Z6454 Micro:bit STEM Mini Smart Robot Car V2.0
Z6241 Funduino Mega 2560 R3 Arduino Compatible Development Board
H0714 75 x 100mm 0.1
K1113 14 In 1 Solar Robotics Kit
K2200 10 In 1 Electronics Lab Kit
Z6360 ESP8266 ESP-01 Mini Wi-Fi Breakout Module
Z6305A 8MP RPI Camera to suit Raspberry Pi
Z6440A BBC Micro:bit V2 Go Starter Pack
Z6455 BME280 Temperature and Humidity Pressure Sensor
H8945 Raspberry Pi Mounting Hardware Kit
K5350 Spring Reverb Guitar Effects Kit
Z6424 Raspberry Pi Pico W With Wi-Fi
Z6315 165pc Super Learning Lab Kit For Arduino
Z6320 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Breakout for Arduino
J0051 Micro N20 Geared Motor 298:1 25-100RPM
K5255 K5250 Power Supply Kit
Z6510A 2.8
Z6426 CAN-BUS Shield for Arduino
Z6393 55g 360º Continuous Metal Servo for Arduino

All prices include GST