Z6337 DC-DC Buck Boost Module 1A / 1.25V-26V DC
Z6340 Funduino Joystick Game Shield
Z6354 NRF905 ISM 433-915MHz RF Transceiver Module
Z6380 Datalogger Shield for Arduino
Z6328 8 Channel 5V Relay Control Board Module/Shield
Z6371 L3G4200D 3 Axis Gyroscope Breakout For Arduino
Z6393 55g 360º Continuous Metal Servo for Arduino
Z6525 128x64 Monochrome 0.96 Inch I2C OLED Display Module
Z6464 Sensor Connection Shield for BBC Microbit
Z6460 Micro: bit Breakout T-Adaptor Shield
H8965 Black and Grey ABS Box to suit Raspberry Pi 4
Z6383 CSR8635 Bluetooth V4.0 Module
W2431 Light Duty 7/0.16 6 Colour Hobby Wire Pack
Z6431 Bluetooth 4.0 LE nRF51822 Module
K8622 Release Film to Suit Creality 3D Resin Printer
J0080 12V Peristaltic Water Dosing Pump
Z6492 STM32 F103C8T6 ARM SWD Development Board
H8958 Acrylic Raspberry Pi 4 Case with Cooling Fan
K9700 7 Segment 4 Digit LED Driver Shield Kit
Z6221 Analog-to-Digital ADS1115 16 Bit Converter Module
Z6524A 128x128 LCD Display Module
Z6583 PiicoDev VL53L1X Distance Sensor
H8950A Black Quattro VESA Case to suit Raspberry Pi
Z6381 WiFi ESP8266-ESP-12F Development Board
Z6381A WiFi ESP8266-ESP-12F Development Board
Z6206 DeadOn RTC - DS3234 Breakout
Z6320 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Breakout for Arduino
H8968 White Case To Suit FlickHAT For Raspberry Pi
Z6424 Raspberry Pi Pico W With Wi-Fi
X3061 Remote Control Dune Buggy
Z6588  PiicoDev RV3028 Real Time Clock
Z6339 DC-DC Boost Display Module 3-34V In / 4-35V Out
H8951 Aluminium Case to suit Raspberry Pi 4
H8967 VESA Mount Case To Suit Raspberry Pi 4
Z6212 FTDI Basic Breakout 5V
Z6324 MPU-6050 6 Axis Accelerometer Plus Gyro Breakout For Arduino
K1138 Solar Powered Wild Boar Kit
S1148 USB Interface for Arcade Joystick and Buttons
S1148A USB Interface for Arcade Joystick and Buttons
K5117 Power Supply Kit To Suit K5116 Amplifier
Z6407 TPA3110 2 x 15W Digital Stereo Audio Amplifier Board
Z6441 ESP8266EX USB Mini Wi-Fi Module
Z6426 CAN-BUS Shield for Arduino
Z6461 170 Tie Breadboard Shield for BBC Microbit
Z6587 PiicoDev 915MHz Transceiver
K9815 ATDEV For ATtiny
Z6493 16 Channel PWM Servo Control Board
Z6222A Funduino Pro Mini 328 5V/16MHz

All prices include GST