C7285 19
C8915 Aerobics Beltpack Pouch
C8915A Aerobics Beltpack Pouch
C8843A Antenna Booster Mounting Bracket BNC Type
C7196A Beltpack Charging Pod To Suit C7195A/B
C8841A Ceiling Mount High Gain UHF Mic System Antenna
CL8894D Charging Dock To Suit CL8892D / CL8893D Mic Transmitters
C8909 Guitar Pickup Lead To Suit UHF Beltpack Transmitter
C8847 Log Periodic Dipole UHF Array Paddle Antenna Pair
C7200 Protective Pouch To Suit C7195A/B Beltpack
C8889 Rack Mount Ears (pair) To Suit C8860B C8890D
C8842A UHF Wireless Mic System Antenna Booster - BNC
C8846B UHF Wireless Microphone System Antenna Divider
C8844B UHF Wireless Microphone System Antenna Splitter / Combiner

All prices include GST