Description Ordering
DB0891 PSAS400D UPS Relay Card With D Connector

PSAS400D UPS Relay Card With D Connector


The relay card (PSAS400) provides volt free contact (VFS) relays that change state upon UPS events. This type of card is often used when current loop communications are required for devices such as building management systems (BMS), access control alarm panels or industrial PLCs. User selectable normally open (default) or normally closed contacts.
DC0891 PSAS400T UPS Relay Card With Screw Terminals

PSAS400T UPS Relay Card With Screw Terminals


The PSAS400 communication card provides contact closures for remote monitoring of your UPS. To meet different application requirements the PSAS400 card is capable of selecting the status of the dry-contact signal (active close or active open) by setting jumper.
DS0891 PSCSSNMP Cyber Secure Comms Card To PowerShield UPS

PSCSSNMP Cyber Secure Comms Card To PowerS...


The Cyber-Secure SNMP follows the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Information Security Manual (ISM) framework for risk management and cyber threats to protect information and systems from external threats. The Cyber Secure Web card follows industry standards for the user interface and offers complex emergency procedures to be enacted simply

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