Description Ordering
Z6527A 3.5

3.5" TFT LCD Shield For Arduino Mega2560

Z6527A NEW

A 480x320 display shield for the Arduino Mega utilising the ILI9486 chipset. Ideal for projects requiring sensor monitoring.
ZW6240A Funduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi Arduino Compatible Development Board

Funduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi Arduino Compatible D...


The Funduino UNO R4 with WiFi is an Arduino compatible board integrating the powerful RA4M1 microcontroller with the robust wireless capabilities of the ESP32-S3 from Espressif. Additionally, it features an on-board 12x8 LED matrix, a Qwiic connector, a VRTC, and an OFF pin, making it an ideal choice for all your maker projects.
Z6315A 165pc Super Learning Lab Kit For Arduino

165pc Super Learning Lab Kit For Arduino

Z6315A NEW

A handy parts kit containing everything you need to start learning Arduino and building projects. Includes a huge selection of sensor boards, LEDs, pots, jumper wires, a breadboard, LCD screen and much more!

All prices include GST