Description Ordering
T1285A 320W Hot Air SMD Rework Station

320W Hot Air SMD Rework Station

T1285A NEW

This re-work station provides a quick and easy way to rework boards fitted with surface mount devices.
T1287 1000W SMD Hot Air Re-Work Station

1000W SMD Hot Air Re-Work Station


Provides a quick and easy way to rework boards fitted with surface mount devices, even in RoHS products. It works by blowing 600 watts of heated air onto the board your are working on, melting the solder on the SMD pads in the process.
T1289 300W Handheld Hot Air SMD Rework Gun

300W Handheld Hot Air SMD Rework Gun


This 300W hot air handheld SMD Rework tool provides a quick and easy way to rework boards fitted with surface mount parts. Suitable for use with SOIC, CHIP, QFP, PLCC & BGA devices and a wide variety of SMD components.
T2052 Combination 60W Soldering & 90W Vacuum Desoldering Station

Combination 60W Soldering & 90W Vacuum Des...


This combination 60W soldering iron and 90W vacuum desoldering station provides hobby enthusiasts and technicians with everything they need for soldering on the workbench in one compact unit.
T2065 Temperature Controlled 90W Vacuum Desoldering Station

Temperature Controlled 90W Vacuum Desolder...


This compact desktop vacuum desoldering unit provides hobbyists and professionals the ability to remove componentry quickly and without damage.

All prices include GST