Description Ordering
L1410C 2400MHz 2W Professional Digital TV Splitter

2400MHz 2W Professional Digital TV Splitter


Housed in a zinc diecast enclosure to prevent external interference. Suits frequencies from 5 to 2400MHz for use with digital TV, cable and satellite TV. All models include power pass feature from input to all outputs to allow powering of a masthead amp. F type connection.
L1415C 2400MHz 3W Professional Digital TV Splitter

2400MHz 3W Professional Digital TV Splitter


Housed in a zinc diecast enclosure to prevent external interference from unwanted signals. Unlike cheaper splitters, these are wideband and will accept frequencies up to 2400MHz making them suitable for use with Digital TV, Cable and Satellite TV frequency
L1420C 2400MHz 4W Professional Digital TV Splitter

2400MHz 4W Professional Digital TV Splitter


Housed in a zinc diecast enclosure to prevent external interference. Suits frequencies from 5 to 2400MHz for use with digital TV, cable and satellite TV. All models include power pass feature from input to all outputs to allow powering of a masthead amp. F type connection. This splitter is also Foxtel approved.
L1424C 2400MHz 8W Professional Digital TV Splitter

2400MHz 8W Professional Digital TV Splitter


Housed in a zinc diecast enclosure to prevent external interference from unwanted signals. Unlike cheaper splitters, these are wideband and will accept frequencies up to 2400MHz making them suitable for use with Digital TV, Cable and Satellite TV frequencies. Fitted with industry standard F connectors for easy installations.

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