Description Ordering
Z4015 4015 Dual 4 Bit Static Shift Register CMOS Logic IC

4015 Dual 4 Bit Static Shift Register CMOS...

Z4015 ROHS

4015 Dual 4 Bit Static Shift Register
Z4017 4017 Decade Counter CMOS Logic IC

4017 Decade Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4017 ROHS

4017 Decade Counter
Z4020 4020 14 Bit Binary Counter CMOS Logic IC

4020 14 Bit Binary Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4020 ROHS

4020 14 Bit Binary Counter
Z4022 4022 Octal Counter CMOS Logic IC

4022 Octal Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4022 ROHS

4022 Octal Counter
Z4024 4024 7 Stage Ripple Counter CMOS Logic IC

4024 7 Stage Ripple Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4024 ROHS

4024 7 Stage Ripple Counter
Z4026 4026 Decade Counter to 7 Segment Output CMOS Logic IC

4026 Decade Counter to 7 Segment Output CM...

Z4026 ROHS

4026 Decade Counter to 7 Segment Output
Z4029 4029 Pre-settable Binary/BCD Up/Down Counter CMOS Logic IC

4029 Pre-settable Binary/BCD Up/Down Count...

Z4029 ROHS

4029 Pre-settable Binary/BCD Up/Down Counter
Z4030 4030 Quad 2 Input Exclusive OR Gate CMOS Logic IC

4030 Quad 2 Input Exclusive OR Gate CMOS L...

Z4030 ROHS

4030 Quad 2 Input Exclusive OR Gate
Z4040 4040 12 Stage Binary Counter CMOS Logic IC

4040 12 Stage Binary Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4040 ROHS

4040 12 stage binary counter cmos logic ic
Z4046 4046 Phase Locked Loop CMOS Logic IC

4046 Phase Locked Loop CMOS Logic IC

Z4046 ROHS

4046 Phase Locked Loop
Z4049 4049 Hex Inverting Buffer CMOS Logic IC

4049 Hex Inverting Buffer CMOS Logic IC

Z4049 ROHS

4049 Hex Inverting Buffer
Z4050 4050 Hex Non Inverting Buffer CMOS Logic IC

4050 Hex Non Inverting Buffer CMOS Logic IC

Z4050 ROHS

4050 Hex Non Inverting Buffer
Z4051 4051 8 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer CMOS Logic IC

4051 8 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer CMOS L...

Z4051 ROHS

4051 8 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer
Z4053 4053 Triple 2 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer CMOS Logic IC

4053 Triple 2 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer...

Z4053 ROHS

4053 Triple 2 Channel Analog Muxer/Demuxer
Z4060 4060 14 Bit Counter And Oscillator CMOS Logic IC

4060 14 Bit Counter And Oscillator CMOS Lo...

Z4060 ROHS

4060 14 Bit Counter And Oscillator
Z4066 4066 Quad Analog Switch/Muxer CMOS Logic IC

4066 Quad Analog Switch/Muxer CMOS Logic IC

Z4066 ROHS

4066 Quad Analog Switch/Muxer
Z4069 4069 Hex Inverter CMOS Logic IC

4069 Hex Inverter CMOS Logic IC

Z4069 ROHS

4069 Hex Inverter
Z4071 4071 Quad 2 Input OR Gate CMOS Logic IC

4071 Quad 2 Input OR Gate CMOS Logic IC

Z4071 ROHS

4071 Quad 2 Input OR Gate
Z4081 4081 Quad 2 Input AND Gate CMOS Logic IC

4081 Quad 2 Input AND Gate CMOS Logic IC

Z4081 ROHS

4081 Quad 2 Input AND Gate
Z4093 4093 Quad 2 Input NAND Schmitt Trigger CMOS Logic IC

4093 Quad 2 Input NAND Schmitt Trigger CMO...

Z4093 ROHS

4093 Quad 2 Input NAND Schmitt Trigger
Z4511 4511 BCD to 7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver CMOS Logic IC

4511 BCD to 7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver...

Z4511 ROHS

4511 BCD to 7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver
Z4518 4518 Dual BCD Up Counter CMOS Logic IC

4518 Dual BCD Up Counter CMOS Logic IC

Z4518 ROHS

4518 Dual BCD Up Counter
Z4538 4538 Dual Precision Monostable Multivibrator CMOS Logic IC

4538 Dual Precision Monostable Multivibrat...

Z4538 ROHS

4538 Dual Precision Monostable Multivibrator
Z7250 MC34063 DC to DC Controller IC

MC34063 DC to DC Controller IC

Z7250 ROHS

MC34063 DC to DC Controller
Z7280 DS18B20 Programmable Digital Thermometer

DS18B20 Programmable Digital Thermometer

Z7280 ROHS

DS18B20 Programmable Digital Thermometer TO-92 Package

All prices include GST