NOTE: Please note orders will not ship on Friday Dec 27th due to warehouse closure. Orders placed after Tuesday 24th Dec will be processed Monday Dec 30th.

Description Ordering
P2655 5 Way 3.81mm Pluggable Terminal Plug

5 Way 3.81mm Pluggable Terminal Plug

P2655 ROHS

Screw Terminal Plugs Rated 8A at 150V. Cable hole entry size up to 1.5mm2 or 28-16AWG.
P2675 5 Way 3.81mm Horiz. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggable Skt

5 Way 3.81mm Horiz. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggabl...

P2675 ROHS

5 Way. Horizontal Mount Boxed Rated 8A at 150V.
P2695 5 Way 3.81mm Vert. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggable Skt

5 Way 3.81mm Vert. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggable...

P2695 ROHS

5 Way. Vertical Mount Boxed Rated 8A at 150V

All prices include GST