NOTE: Please note orders will not ship on Friday Dec 27th due to warehouse closure. Orders placed after Tuesday 24th Dec will be processed Monday Dec 30th.

Description Ordering
P2662 12 Way 3.81mm Pluggable Terminal Plug

12 Way 3.81mm Pluggable Terminal Plug

P2662 ROHS

12 Way. Screw Terminal Plugs Rated 8A at 150V. Cable hole entry size up to 1.5mm2 or 28-16AWG.
P2682 12 Way 3.81mm Horiz. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggable Skt

12 Way 3.81mm Horiz. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggab...

P2682 ROHS

12 Way. Horizontal Mount Boxed Rated 8A at 150V.
P2702 12 Way 3.81mm Vert. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggable Skt

12 Way 3.81mm Vert. PCB Mnt Boxed Pluggabl...

P2702 ROHS

12 Way. Vertical Mount Boxed Rated 8A at 150V

All prices include GST